Talk about the ride

Talking About the Ride

Critical Mass Princeton is dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive, and community-oriented environment for all participants. Here’s how we achieve these goals:

No Politics

Critical Mass Princeton takes no political stances but its attendants almost certainly do; come bike with us to hear about the variety of motivations that bring us together. This is a ride focused on community and cycling joy, not political discourse.

Join us to experience the joy of cycling together in a safe, welcoming, and community-focused environment.


Safety is our top priority. We strive to create a secure environment for everyone to enjoy the ride. This includes:

  • Taking Full Lanes: To ensure the safety of all cyclists, we take full lanes when necessary, especially where there are double yellow lines, to discourage unsafe passing by cars.
  • Corking when Necessary: In order to keep the mass together, we may cork intersections until we have all safely navigated the intersection.
  • Pre-Ride Safety Checks: Encouraging all riders to perform safety checks on their bicycles before joining the ride.


Critical Mass Princeton is committed to being an inclusive event that welcomes families and cyclists of all ages and abilities:

  • No Drop Ride: We maintain a pace that accommodates our slowest rider, ensuring no one is left behind.
  • Family-Friendly: We actively encourage families to participate, making it a fun experience for riders young and old.
  • Support for All Riders: As a community, we look out for each other. If a problem arises during the ride, we come together to find a solution, ensuring everyone can continue to enjoy the event safely.


Community is the natural outcome of our commitment to safety and inclusivity:

  • Shared Experiences: By riding together, we share experiences that foster a strong sense of belonging and community spirit.
  • Post-Ride Gatherings: After each ride, participants are encouraged to gather, share their experiences, and enjoy local amenities, strengthening community ties.
  • Community Feedback: We actively seek and incorporate feedback from participants to improve the ride experience for everyone.

We are the intersection of Community and Mobility

While Critical Mass Princeton is fundamentally focused on providing a safe and enjoyable biking experience, we recognize that cycling can intersect with political topics. Discussions about cycling's role in our community and its impact on public policy may naturally arise among participants. However, it's important to note that these discussions are not the primary goal of our rides. The primary objective is to foster a welcoming environment for all to enjoy the freedom and joy of cycling, without an agenda to promote political discourse. We have fun and we look out for each other. Anything beyond this is a bonus but not a stated goal.